If you are at risk for foot injury at your workplace, you should wear the appropriate protective footwear.
- If foot protection is required, set up a complete foot safety protection program including selection, fit testing, training, maintenance and inspection.
- Safety footwear is designed to protect feet against a wide variety of injuries. Impact, compression, and puncture are the most common types of foot injury.
- Choose footwear according to the hazard. Refer to CSA Standard Z195-14 "Protective Footwear".
- Select CSA-certified footwear. Ensure that it has the proper rating for the hazard and the proper sole for the working conditions.
- Use metatarsal protection (top of the foot between the toes and ankle) where there is a potential for injury.
The Answers section on Foot Comfort and Safety at Work has more information on foot care and selection of protective footwear.